Monday, March 2, 2009

We're Back!

We took a short business trip to California so Greg could decide whether to accept a job offer there. After much deliberation, discussion, and prayer (including exploring the area and housing options), we decided it made most sense to stay put! Praise the Lord for His guidance! We appreciate everyone who prayed for us!

Since we skipped our vacation last year, we felt it would be a good opportunity to extend our trip by seven days in Anaheim. It was a welcome and refreshing break leaving behind all our responsibilities and concerns for a short time. The weather was perfect: 70’s and sunny! Made coming home to snow a little strange!

One day was devoted to Legoland, which may have been Kylen's favorite part. Here are my smart boys!

I love the apple fries with whipped cream! Granny Smith sticks are dipped in batter and fried. Tartness mixed with cinnamon and sugar! Mmmm!
This LEGO man was a great actor and fun to watch!
Greg's most anticipated part of the trip: picking out LEGOs from bins in their store! It was his favorite part of a similar trip we took three years ago, too!
Greg always insists on stopping at least a few minutes if we are anywhere near the coast. (Fine with me!) I was unable to get a good picture, as our camera doesn't do night shots well without a tripod. We found a great parking right next to the shore line (full of cars even after sundown). They removed shoes, rolled up pants and chased waves in the freezing water for about ten minutes.
My uncle recommended we eat at Knott's Berry Farm, which was about ten minutes away. We didn't go in their amusement park, but we enjoyed the famous chicken dinner and browsed shops.
Disneyland was my favorite! Three years ago, we had a good experience with the character breakfast at Goofy's Kitchen. This time we decided to try the Plaza Inn and weren't disappointed! Another fantastic buffet in a fantastic setting with a guarantee that several Disney characters will stop by your table.
That one with the weird face isn't a character; it's my husband. :-) Er, wait . . . My husband IS a weird character!
Last time we took one of Kylen's favorite storybooks, Disney Bedtime Stories and had those who came by sign on a blank page. We did the same thing this time and got three new signatures. Kylen said he wasn't as shy about seeing Pooh as the others, "because I've known him ever since I was a baby."
Kylen got over his fear of coasters!! Or so he says! We'll see! At any rate, he dreaded nearly every ride and ended up liking them all, even Splash Mountain (pictured below) with the 40 foot drop!

This garbage can was a really creative touch and caused quite a stir! It moved around on it's own, talking to people, singing, and making jokes! We think it was done by remote, as there didn't appear to be anyone inside. I actually threw garbage through the lid (by invitation), and it appeared mostly hollow. The cool part was that it carried on conversations. Whoever controlled it was able to hear people and transmit his voice directly to the can. These weren't prerecorded sentences. The funniest part was the kid's reactions, especially the little ones!

We had a memorable lunch at the Blue Bayou. Besides the food being excellent, it was neat watching boats (full of people) go past from the Pirates ride. Kylen kept wanting to wave! Though the restaurant is completely indoors, it is designed to feel like you are sitting just outside at night. That is exactly how it felt, though it was actually midday!

After several days going on rides together, I spent most of one day shopping at a relaxed pace while the boys did their own thing. Didn't buy much, but I sure had fun! Here is Kylen looking at me through one of the store windows.

A portion of California Adventure under serious construction!
Of course, we had to get a picture of me next to the big "F." That was the last thing we did before saying goodbye to "the happiest place on earth."


katrina said...

Dear Farrah,
I am so glad you had a wonderful time and especially happy that you feel at peace with the decision to stay where you are! Isn't clarity great? The trip looks like so much fun, and oh the Lego store looks HUGE! My guys are going to be dreaming of going there when they see the pictures, as it is your photos are giving me Disney fever :-)

Andrew Clarke said...

It looks good, Farrah. I used to wish I could get our family to Disneyland, but they're fast getting past childhood. It would be good to see the Creation theme park in Kentucky, as well. I prayed that Greg finds the right job at the right time. Blessings.

Pam said...

That vacation looks like lots of fun. I would love to see the talking garbage can!
Plus, Ash would have loved going to the lego store.
I would just enjoy going somewhere warm!

Anonymous said...

It looks like it was a wonderful trip! Glad to hear that you had your prayers answered! We are thinking of moving too and relocating - but know that God does answer our prayers and leads us to where we should be! Have a beautiful day!

Tamela's Place said...

Wow! it looks as though you and your family had a very nice and i'm sure a well deserving vacation!

i am so thankful to the Lord for leading you guys in making the right decision! It is very wise to check into the cost of living before moving into and area. I wish me and my husband would of did our homework a little better when moving here to Az. God has been very gracious and merciful to us though! We praise Him for this because we would be on the streets if it wasn't for Him interveneing on our behalf. God probably got tired of our asking and asking Him for His help so He said fine! here ya go! now zip it already! lol! No just kidding God enjoys His children depending upon Him for His help after all we can be dumb little sheep at times if not most of the time! i am speaking for me and my husband of course :)

BTW i replied back to you at Tamela's place. You were one of the brave commentors :)

God bless you and your family Farrah :)

jeleasure said...

Hi Farrah and Greg!

Looks like a nice trip for the three of you.

Thank God you took the time to take that trip and explore the reality of living there.

Tell Greg, after seeing so many pictures of him, he still passes for a look-a-like to my friend, Craig.

kari and kijsa said...

What a fun trip!! SO many neat things...those apple fries look soo yummy!
kari & kijsa

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

I'm glad you had fun... but I'm also very glad that you won't be moving away!

nitewrit said...


It was fun sharing your trip with you through pictures. Nice seeing you and your family, too, makes me feel closer seeing you in informal settings.

I have a question about your other post. How do you make your tap water come out green?

By the way, I had an article appear in "Dining & Entertainment Magazine" a couple years ago on St. Patrick's Day. It was called, "Leaping Leprechauns, Lies & legends". It was fun doing the research.

Larry E.