Wednesday, July 6, 2016

June Highlights 2016

June consisted of many things, including our co-op's annual Year End Party.  People brought things like this:

And this:

I wasn't feeling nearly as creative.

The suckers were the first to go.

Some tennis.

Here's what I did while my boys were playing:

Look at trees, take pictures, dream...

Graduation parties

Birthday parties

Kylen's violin recital

Father's Day

He's the boss.


Homeschool day at Silverwood.  Yes, it goes upside down.  Yes, we're crazy.

Not to mention several gatherings with family and friends.  Kylen had his state testing and ranked in the top 99%, as usual.  :)  He also took a ukelele camp with my cousin in anticipation of a trip to Hawaii.  "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" was stuck in my head the whole week.  :)


Laurie said...

Feeling creative or not for cooking for the homeschool day, never underestimate the appeal of a big stash of candy with kids! Just seeing the pic took me back to my childhood summers. :) Loving the Beauty and the Beast puzzle - my favorite Disney princess movie! I wish I could come sit in the shade with you under the beautiful leafy green canopy. :)

Farrah said...

Good point! Especially those suckers. They went fast!

It would be wonderful to sit in the shade for a chat while sipping some sort of yummy drink. I'm going to have to add that to my bucket list . . . er, fun list. ;)