Friday, September 2, 2016

August 2016 Highlights

And just like that, summer turned into mid-November.  Why does life drastically increase speed when your kids hit upper high school?  Especially when it was already going fast?!

It was a good summer with lots of activities and plenty of rest.  I already posted about our first week of August in Hawaii.

I imagined going on regular mother-son outings now that Kylen had his license, but between his activities, family activities, and life, I found myself with only a few weeks of summer left and not a lot of those to show for it!  I made a start by scheduling a trip to the movies.

We thought I'd like it more, but he ended up liking it more than me!

Greg fixed a leak under the kitchen sink:

Kylen and I had another mother-son outing, lunch at a restaurant called The Cork House.  Some unusual flavors, but the food was good.  (I went back with Greg a few months later.)  The sweet potato fries were drizzled with maple syrup.  Yum!

A friend treated me to a belated birthday lunch!  I'd been wanting to try Fire Artisan Pizza.

Interesting decor!

Reviews said they could be slow, and they were!  We went at an off time, but each step of the meal was punctuated by long waits.  Great place if you plan to stay awhile!  The pizza was delicious, and one was enough to share.  (Note: I eventually made it back with Greg and Kylen for dinner, and the service was much better.  Maybe their off times aren't good times.)

This was Greg's arachnid adventure.  He saw a huge spider on the wall just outside my bedroom.  I was sleeping, and he didn't want to wake me with a thud.  So he got set up on the couch with his computer where he could keep an eye on said spider.  Soon, he noticed a second large spider on a different wall.  He now had to divide his attention between two scary spiders and his computer screen, because if one of those suckers moved, he was taking action!  Thankfully, they stayed put long enough for me to finish my beauty sleep.  In the meantime, he researched deadly spiders of the northwest and discovered they weren't the sinister hobo or brown recluse.  I took a picture of the one next to my room.  Eek!

We had our annual summer visit to Riverfront Park, precluded by a meal at Red Lobster.  Strawberry pina coladas all 'round!

An imax.

Did you know Riverfront Park is the place for free acorns?  They were dropping from the trees.  I pocketed several.

I don't know if we've ever visited late enough for the water to be this low and the algae this prominent.  It was pretty.

Another mother son outing for breakfast.  Greg decided to join us.  :)

Such cheery decor with the blues, oranges, yellows, and greens.

Kylen had friends over for a fun afternoon and evening of basketball, games, and video games.

And the month ended on a sweet little note: quality time with my adorable niece.


Laurie said...

I wonder the same thing...time seems to go by so fast since high school started, yet it was already flying by before that! It kinda scares me, lol! Mmmm. sweet potato fries with maple syrup, sounds good! I'm glad you had a few mother-son outings at least.

Farrah said...

Me too, a few outings are better than none! Maybe I can squeeze in a few more during break from co-op. Plus, I wouldn't mind having those sweet potato fries with maple syrup again! :)