At this point, you think I'm working up to saying I'm going to participate in Menu Plan Monday. I wish! There are several factors working against that. One, we are a very small family in which all three of us enjoy left-overs. Two, I am physically disabled and need lots of help in the kitchen, and my son is only eight which is too young to be the gourmet chef I am hoping he will become so that he will cook for me on a regular basis, and I don't have a teenage daughter who likes to cook like some people around here, and my hubby pretty much has to be forced to even boil water (OK, that's an exaggeration! He's not that bad!), and....haha! That's a very long two! So, as a result, we only cook a couple times a week. We also do take out once or twice a week, and, on occasion, we eat frozen meals.

*GiggleGiggleGiggle!* This is so fun! I hope Karla has a good sense of humor. *Giggle!*
Hmph! Makin' fun of me now, are we? (Surely you know me well enough by now to know I have a way over-active sense of humor. Is that possible?)
I have to say, having a teenager daughter who loves to cook is a big blessing! We did a lot of the frozen and/or fast food meals for awhile... but we're getting away from that more. Partly because "Elle" enjoys doing the cooking (she does about half of it probably), and also because I am finally learning to plan ahead. My mother always says that the hardest thing about cooking for her is figuring out what to fix. So if I do that ahead of time, actually fixing the meal isn't too much trouble.
Will it make you feel better to know that I don't always stick to my menu plan? I mean, life happens, after all... and sometimes we do enjoy up ordering pizza or picking up hamburgers, or whatever. And almost always I end up rearranging the schedule, having something one night that I planned for a different night.
I do know for sure, though, that if I had your physical challenges, it would all be out the window!
But speaking of frozen meals... do y'all shop at the Grocery Outlet? There's one in Cd'A (across the highway from K-Mart), and also one in the Valley on Sprague. I have found that to be the best place for frozen entrees. Their prices are cheaper than anywhere else, and they have a nice variety that changes frequently. (If you see something you like, stock up, because they may not have it the next time.) Usually name-brands, too.
I'll have to check out that store! Oh, and I might participate in Meal Plan Monday in a round about way again next week. I'd like to list some of my favorite frozen meal brands and ask others for theirs... :-)
How awesome your blogging now! Your blog is beautiful! I can't wait to look around. Did you get the message that the "official winner picker" picked you in my bloggy give away. So glad you have a blog now so I can announce it here too.
I'll be back.
Rachel, thank you for your kind words! It is so rare that I enter and win anything, I don't think it sank in when you mentioned I had won! That's so cool!! Woohoo!
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