Although I love variety in my diet, I tend to run the hamster wheel for breakfast, eating the same thing every morning for weeks on end. I'm giving you my current wheel and probably all time favorite bowl of cold cereal. (In case you can't tell, I'm on a cold cereal kick this week. Check out Thursday's post.)
This is a heavenly combination of citrus, crunch and cream. Delicious!! And it even has healthy stuff, like fruit and nuts! Think I'll call it:

Banana Nut Crunch Cold Cereal
Canned Mandarin Oranges in Light Syrup, chilled
Whipping Cream
Pour Banana Nut Crunch into a small bowl. Top with mandarin oranges and some juice from the can. For me, the magic number is about eight segments. Add how much milk you like, maybe a tad less than usual. Pour whipping cream all over the top, but use sparingly. The idea is to cover a large area without dumping too much in any one place. Quantities may take some tweaking for personal taste. Don’t stir it up! You want to be able to taste the cream on the mandarin oranges without diluting it with the milk. Hope you find my contribution to the community trough tasty!

I seem to add more whipping cream each time I make it, so be wary of that! Other yummy additions I’ve added to this cereal are a slice of homemade banana bread, butterscotch chips, sliced bananas, and fresh blueberries (not all at the same time!).
You know, I never thought to put mandarin oranges on my cereal. What a clever idea!
Many Blessings,
Sounds great. I am not a morning person, but I may have to try this for breakfast!
Now that is creative!
I love mandarin oranges on my cereal, too! Usually I mix homemade granola with plain yogurt and mandarin oranges. It's SOOO good and filling -- keeps me going all morning :-)
Okay. Anyone who can an whip cream as a breakfast ingredient is an excellent cook, in my cookbook, anyway!
Thank you for your sweet words. You totally made my day. Well. You and a box of thin mint Girl Scout cookies!
I like your idea of adding bananas... and I would add them with the mandarin oranges!
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