- To attach a super hero to the wall
- To fix broken super heroes
- As ammunition for a rubber band gun
- As ammunition for shooting directly at others
- To hold small hand towels on our ladder so it won't scratch the house
- To make a toy grappling hook
- To hold his pony tail back in his college days
- To bind rolls of wrapping paper
- As a drive belt on Lego contraptions
- For his braces in childhood
- Around Kylen’s ankles to shorten his pants
- To hold stacks of game cards together
- To tie grocery bags shut thereby making a balloon
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Thursday 13: Rubber Band Uses
Posted by Farrah 2 comments
Labels: Humor, Thursday 13
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Random Thoughts
Our son is a speed reader, and I am tickled pink! Yesterday, hubby took him to get a book at the library while I grocery shopped. He did a very little reading between there and the store – about one block away. He did a very little in the store while we went through the checkout. He did about 10 minutes on our way to a restaurant, and we had a conversation that went something like:
Me: How far are you in the book?
Son: A little more than half way.
Me: Honey, did you read some of his book to make sure it’s OK? It looked a little creepy.
Hubby: Silence.
Son: I’m already done with that one. I’m half way through the second book.
He’s eight. These are chapter books.Not so rosy, are the dumb arguments I’m forced to witness daily. Sometimes hourly. My two boys love to bicker over insanely unimportant details. Punishment is out of the question, since one of them is 32. The apple sure doesn’t fall far! On and on, the most recent debate was whether or not General Petrine constantly rides a horse. As in never, ever dismounts. Do you know the answer? Probably not. It’s a fictional character in a video game. How in the world there could be any question of whether a character constantly rides a horse or not is beyond me. I would think it would be pretty obvious. I sided with ds just for fun and said, “I think he rides a horse.”
“General Petrine is a woman.”
Oops! Very old-fashioned of me to assume the General is male. Anyway, they finally looked it up and put the dead horse to rest. Or rather the living horse into action. It seems he...er, she does indeed ride a horse constantly. (File that away in your "Future Important Things" folder.) Hubby was wrong. Wouldn’t be the first time. Shhhh! Don’t tell him I said that! *winkwink*While I'm typing my random thoughts, I just HAVE to get out a little vent. We all know illness comes with annoyances. Here is one of mine. I take a medication by “self” injection. Yeah right! I can barely wiggle my arthritic fingers more than a few centimeters. There is NO WAY I am going to try stabbing my own thigh at a high speed with an inch long needle at a 45 degree angle and then apply constant pressure until the medicine is in. Hubby gets queasy just thinking about it. Yes, he has been known to faint while getting blood drawn. Typical flaw of tough men.
So we need someone to give me the injection. The clinic where my primary physician resides is 10 minutes away. Not bad, except that no one in the ENTIRE clinic is QUALIFIED to give me the injection. I kid you not. We must drive 30 minutes to their sister clinic where one nurse is able to do it. Well, we drove there last Thursday for my weekly dose and found out that the nurse wasn’t there that day. NO ONE ELSE in that building was qualified to give me the shot! Hello? Is this the US where we have the best health care in the world? Explain to me why she can train my own husband to do it in 30 seconds flat but not a single person in two different clinics, including doctors, can do it! Both buildings have labs with nurses who draw blood every day, but none of them is qualified to do it!! Does this make any sense at all??
No alternative solution was offered, and the lady acted like I was inconveniencing her just by standing there. I could almost hear her saying, "Scoot!" I feel like saying, "I'm sorry my illness interrupted your time to stare at the wall while sitting at the computer." (That's what she was doing the entire time Hubby and I argued over the best day to reschedule an appointment. We must have had the secretary change it three times. The other secretary, that is. The one that was actually working.) Seriously, she looked and acted like, "Deal with it."
Long story short, I had to delay my treatment and make another trip the next day! The poor nurse actually came over on her OWN time after work! Unreal!
Note: I just read this post to Hubby, and he said, "I need to just bite the bullet and learn how to do it."
I'm scared. REALLY scared. I told him so, and he said, "You'd better be scared!" Pity me.
Posted by Farrah 4 comments
Labels: Family Life, Illness, Legos, Video Games
Monday, February 25, 2008
More of Him
More of Him Monday. I like the sound of that. I really do! I ran across this meme while blog hopping and got excited! Chances are I won’t agree with everything I read, but I like the idea of sharing insight on scripture and learning about other's blessings. So I’m giving this meme a try!
Scripture Speaks
I enjoyed all the prophecy about Jesus in Isaiah, and I am glad to see some in Jeremiah. (Still working on my first trip through the entire bible.) Last week I read in Jeremiah 23:
[3] And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase.
[4] And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the LORD.
[5] Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.
[6] In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
The promised King, Jesus, reigns in my heart today. Those who receive His precious gift of Salvation are bearing fruit – doing work for Him and multiplying – spreading the gospel message all over the world, bringing others to Christ. I have the hope of eternal life and don’t fear death. He provides all my needs, both spiritual and physical. My righteousness was as filthy rags. I could never be good enough for heaven with sin in my heart, but my sins have been washed away by the blood of Jesus. Now, He is my righteousness. Thank you, Jesus!
Posted by Farrah 3 comments
Labels: Scripture
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Calling All Homeschoolers
I recently joined The Homeschool Lounge after reading about it on Karla's blog. It is an online community where homeschooling moms can share ideas. I'm still learning my way around, but so far I have been really impressed with how well designed it is. You can personalize your own page, join lots of different groups, or start your own. The overall atomosphere is friendly and Christian. A bonus is that it is members only and all pictures, etc. must be approved. Nice not to worry about seeing trash! Check out their site!
Anyone who shares the news about The Homeschool Lounge can be entered in a giveaway until Monday the 25th. For more details, visit Less of Me~More of Him.
Posted by Farrah 1 comments
Labels: Homeschooling, Links
Saturday Stirrings
Posted by Farrah 3 comments
Labels: Recipes
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Thursday Thirteen: Fav Car Songs
These are great in the car! Click on each song to read its lyrics.
13 Fun Songs We Sing
- This Old Man
- The Wheels On The Bus (We mix up the verses!)
- She’ll Be Coming ‘Round the Mountain
- Green Grass Grows All Around (Sweet spring song)
- Mary Had A Little Lamb
- Down By The Bay (We make up our own rhymes.)
- Three Blind Mice (Sing fast after “they run” part.)
- Old McDonald
- Bingo
- Five Little Ducks
- The Quartermaster's Store (We make up our own rhymes.)
- The Cookie Jar Song
- Five Little Speckled Frogs
Posted by Farrah 2 comments
Labels: Songs, Thursday 13
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A letter to the President

Happy Belated President’s Day! You fill the shoes of some great and noble men who have gone before you – men who have felt the harsh blows of criticism and led in the trying times of war. Decades later, we remember their honesty, integrity, and faith more than the voices of their cruel adversaries.
We have immensely enjoyed the film George W. Bush: Faith In the White House. It gave me much needed reassurance that you are in the right place at the right time. We would like to say, “Thank you!” for publicly professing your faith in God. Thank you for supporting the cause of abstinence and traditional marriage while standing against abortion and embryonic stem cell research. Thank you for staying strong.
I believe this country has been blessed, but if we continue our present course of degrading basic values and eliminating God, I think we will see His wrath come down in the form of wars, disease, famine, and natural disasters. However, God’s people have nothing to fear. “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 3:14
Stay encouraged. We are praying for you. Keep your eyes on the Son, and you will not sink, though the storms are raging.

Posted by Farrah 2 comments
Labels: Homeschooling, Presidents Day
Monday, February 18, 2008
Happy Birthday, George Washington!
I have never payed much attention to President's Day, thinking of it as little more than a break from school or work. However, now that we are homeschooling, it seems a fine time to introduce our nation's first president to Kylen. There is a lot of learn about this man and many amazing stories of God's intervention in his life.
8. Mock not nor jest at anything of importance, break no jests that are sharp, biting, and if you deliver any thing witty and pleasant, abstain from laughing thereat yourself.
9. Let your conversation be without malice or envy, for 'tis a sign of tractable and commendable nature, and in all causes of passion permit reason to govern.
Posted by Farrah 4 comments
Labels: Homeschooling, Presidents Day
Pick Your Own Path
My son received some “Choose Your Own Adventure” type books from his Uncle Ryan for his birthday. I did a double take when I passed by one of them and had to grab the camera. Notice anything unusual in the picture? LOL! How many bookmarks do you count? No fewer than eight!
Posted by Farrah 2 comments
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Posted by Farrah 1 comments
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Saturday Stirrings
Let’s see…last week I copied roughly every single recipe offered at the trough. I tried approximately two this week. At that rate…oh, never mind. Just thinking out loud.
Anyway, since my first contribution was so simple, I thought this time I’d give you one of my favorite meatloaf recipes. This one is awesome if you're feeling a bit more spunky than usual and want to impress. Don’t be intimidated by the list of ingredients. It actually comes together pretty quickly (especially if you have a hubby to do the donkey work). I got this from Mary Engelbreit's magazine.
Herbed Turkey Meatloaf
Oil for greasing pan
¼ cup olive oil
2 med. yellow onions, finely chopped (2 cups)
1 ½ tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
¼ tsp nutmeg
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp dried basil
1/8 tsp ground red pepper (cayenne)
5 garlic cloves, finely minced
½ cup chicken broth
2 lbs ground turkey breast, organic
1¼ cups dry breadcrumbs
2 large eggs
½ cup finely chopped fresh flat-leaf (Italian) parsley
¾ cup tomato sauce, divided
Oil 9x5-in. pan (I use veggie or olive). Heat oil in med. skillet over med. heat. Cook onion until translucent, about 10 min. Add seasonings and garlic. Cook and stir about 2 minutes. Stir in broth. Let cool to room temp. Preheat oven to 350.
Place turkey in large bowl. Add all other ingredients including ¼ cup of the tomato sauce. Mix with hands. Pack into pan, smooth top, spread remaining tomato sauce on top. Place loaf pan inside larger pan to catch drips. Bake 1 ¼ to 1 ½ hours or until 165. Cool 10 minutes before slicing.
Next day serve leftovers as sandwiches: pita pockets, lettuce, onion slices, mayo, mustard, tomatoes, and sprouts.
Posted by Farrah 3 comments
Labels: Recipes
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Thursday 13: Valentine's Day
13 Things We Do For Valentine’s Day
- Thank and praise God for our happy, loving family.
- Exchange nice cards, just us three.
- Prepare small cards/gifts/candy for friends and family.
- Have a treasure hunt for Kylen.
- Read a new children’s book together.
- Enjoy a special homemade dessert.
- Eat out.
- Take pictures to add to a special Valentine album.
- Decorate inside and out.
- Wear holiday colors – red, pink, and white.
- Have a Valentine Theme Day for school the previous day (new this year!).
- Make a themed post on this blog. (New this year!)
- Wish each other a…

Posted by Farrah 3 comments
Labels: Thursday 13, Valentines Day
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Works For Me Wednesday
Wishing wells…
Wishing stars…
Three wishes from a Genie…
Santa’s good list…
Making a wish before I blow…
None of these have worked for me.
What does work is Wish Lists. I invented them out of sheer desperation. You see, for several months leading up to Christmas, every time the phone rings it’s someone asking what to get Greg for Christmas. OK, that’s a slight exaggeration. Still, it was enough to drive me insane. About a month after Christmas is my son’s birthday. You get the idea.
I made four documents on our computer and put them in a folder conveniently titled “Wishlists.” One for each of us and a fourth for all of us. Besides providing a treasure trove of ideas when family/friends ask the inevitable question, the lists have proved beneficial in other ways.
Best of all, it wipes out any excuses from Hubby, “I didn’t know what to get you.” *winkwink!*
Check out this site for other Works For Me Wednesday posts this week!
Posted by Farrah 6 comments
Labels: Family Life
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Pink Cake Box
This cake is so over the top, I just can't believe it. I saw the Pink Cake Box in the news and had to check out their site. Unreal.
Here is how they describe this masterpiece: "We created this dresser cake for a grand opening party at the British Pine Emporium in Madison, NJ. The sugarpaste picture frame sitting atop the dresser holds the actual invitation from the event. To the right of the frame rests a sugarpaste vase with pink sugar roses and a sugarpaste business card holder. The entire dresser rests atop a fondant oriental rug. Inside the cake is yellow cake with raspberry chambord filling."
Posted by Farrah 2 comments
Labels: Art
Monday, February 11, 2008
This weekend was grand! We finished putting up Valentine decorations, got caught up on bills, and best of all, I cut their hair! I haven’t cut their hair in over a year! Don’t worry. It wasn’t grown down past their shoulders or anything. My health got so bad I couldn’t cut hair anymore, and they had to get it done at beauty shops. Since it is a career that people go to school for, I always expected them to come back looking…well-groomed! Polished! Instead, after trying three different places they still came home needing fine-tuning. The front would be uneven or there would be a spot that couldn’t be fixed where it had been cut too close, or it was still too long. It drove me crazy!

Posted by Farrah 2 comments
Labels: Family Life, Praise
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Compassion Blog Month
Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. Matt. 19:21 KJV
Growing up, I never thought much about the needy. I knew they were out there, but we rarely talked about them. I lived a sheltered life and was more concerned about my own wants and desires. Learning to care for them has been a gradual process that began after I got married and had a baby. I’ve come to realize that a giving heart needs to be instilled in children from the time they are young, because it won’t come naturally or easily in our materialistic, self-centered culture.
I feel this is something greatly lacking in our nation. Most of us are very spoiled and have no idea how extreme poverty is in many parts of the world. We would be appalled if we knew just how bad it is – sewage in the streets, starvation, lack of basic necessities like shoes and clean water, things that we take for granted. We are enjoying the blessings of God that were brought upon us in our country’s infancy by men who sought the Lord. This is a wonderful thing, but it can make us forgetful. Jeremiah is filled with prophecies of how God's wrath would destroy his people because they had become so wicked. The following scripture tells of how they had become fat and ceased to care for the needy.
They are waxen fat, they shine: yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the cause of the fatherless, yet they prosper; and the right of the needy do they not judge. Jer. 5:28
I am currently working on reading the Bible completely through for the first time. I had tried this before but always became bogged down by laws and would eventually return to the New Testament. However, this time it has been different, perhaps because of my spiritual growth due to physical suffering. At any rate, I am in Jeremiah and what has really surprised me is how many scriptures admonish us to help the needy, particularly the fatherless and widows.
He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse. Prov. 28:27

What a beautiful story of love, the kind of love that will make a difference. If we all had giving hearts like that woman…just imagine!
We are sponsoring two precious souls through this well established organization and have been blessed by the experience. Kanchana lives in Thailand. We have sponsored her about a year now. She is 15, very sweet and sends us the most beautiful pictures. There is a great need for sponsors for older children.

Only they would that we should remember the poor; the same which I also was forward to do. Gal. 2:10
Posted by Farrah 2 comments
Labels: Charity, Compassion, Scripture
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Saturday Stirrings

Although I love variety in my diet, I tend to run the hamster wheel for breakfast, eating the same thing every morning for weeks on end. I'm giving you my current wheel and probably all time favorite bowl of cold cereal. (In case you can't tell, I'm on a cold cereal kick this week. Check out Thursday's post.)
This is a heavenly combination of citrus, crunch and cream. Delicious!! And it even has healthy stuff, like fruit and nuts! Think I'll call it:

Banana Nut Crunch Cold Cereal
Canned Mandarin Oranges in Light Syrup, chilled
Whipping Cream
Pour Banana Nut Crunch into a small bowl. Top with mandarin oranges and some juice from the can. For me, the magic number is about eight segments. Add how much milk you like, maybe a tad less than usual. Pour whipping cream all over the top, but use sparingly. The idea is to cover a large area without dumping too much in any one place. Quantities may take some tweaking for personal taste. Don’t stir it up! You want to be able to taste the cream on the mandarin oranges without diluting it with the milk. Hope you find my contribution to the community trough tasty!

I seem to add more whipping cream each time I make it, so be wary of that! Other yummy additions I’ve added to this cereal are a slice of homemade banana bread, butterscotch chips, sliced bananas, and fresh blueberries (not all at the same time!).
Posted by Farrah 6 comments
Labels: Recipes
Friday, February 8, 2008
Blessing From A Friend
This beautiful candle came to me from Karla at Ramblin’ Roads. It means that I am one of her blogging friends (among many!) who is a special blessing to her. I can leave it in my sidebar (I will!) and pass it on to other bloggers who are a blessing to me.
This is pretty easy since I only know a few bloggers, one being my own Sweetie! I would name Karla and Rachel right off, but they already have the candle! I am dedicating mine to two people:
Greg, at Wisdom’s Beginning, is more than just my husband. He’s my best friend and my greatest source of support. He laughs at my dumb jokes, lets me boss him around, and does all the things I can’t do. Best of all, he loves Jesus! Sometimes I am in awe that such a man exists. He is definitely one of the greatest blessings in my life. He helped me get my blog going! He’s also a very good writer, so check out his blog if you haven’t yet! Although he isn't posting as frequently as I am, He assures me that he will be adding a new post very soon.
A year or two ago, long before I began blogging, I came across a site called Rest Ministries. It offers encouragement, resources, and support for homeschooling parents who live with chronic illness. At the time, I was very discouraged by my health problems. There I met Marsha, and she has been a blessing to me when I have read some of her devotional writings. Her blog is called Sufficient Grace for Suffering Saints. She has even published some of her work!
Posted by Farrah 3 comments
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Thursday Thirteen: Fav Cold Cereals
13 Cold Cereals I Have Obsessed Over
- Banana Nut Crunch by itself and with a variety of additions
- Cinnamon Toast Crunch sometimes for dessert
- Lucky Charms when I was very little
- Rice Krispies always with white sugar added
- Honey Nut Cheerios especially with banana slices
- Low Fat Granola gives the jaw a workout
- Cap’n Crunch sometimes for dessert
- Raisin Bran best with leftover homemade apple or huckleberry pie
- Oh’s not to be found on this long list
- Reeces Puffs sometimes for dessert
- Cocoa Puffs sometimes for dessert
- Cracklin’ Oat Bran reminds me of Grandma’s house
- Raisin Mini-Wheats also like the strawberry flavor
Posted by Farrah 4 comments
Labels: Food, Thursday 13
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Humble Beginnings -- Blog Links
So I’ve figured it out that they have gotten their hands on a program that searches for blogs similar to their own and automatically adds them to their own blog. I was running this theory by my husband on our way to a restaurant last night, and he actually took me seriously! LOL! And he’s a software programmer! Therefore, my theory is credible. Maybe I can have him write such a program for me. Then, when people visit my blog, they will be really impressed by all the sites listed! In the meantime, I am adding a new section titled, “Blogs I Enjoy.” For now I am only putting those that I actually visit every single day or at least every week. That is four blogs. Yep! You read right! Four, not four hundred! However, keep checking back. That program could be finished any day!

Posted by Farrah 4 comments
Monday, February 4, 2008
Meal Plan Monday

At this point, you think I'm working up to saying I'm going to participate in Menu Plan Monday. I wish! There are several factors working against that. One, we are a very small family in which all three of us enjoy left-overs. Two, I am physically disabled and need lots of help in the kitchen, and my son is only eight which is too young to be the gourmet chef I am hoping he will become so that he will cook for me on a regular basis, and I don't have a teenage daughter who likes to cook like some people around here, and my hubby pretty much has to be forced to even boil water (OK, that's an exaggeration! He's not that bad!), and....haha! That's a very long two! So, as a result, we only cook a couple times a week. We also do take out once or twice a week, and, on occasion, we eat frozen meals.

*GiggleGiggleGiggle!* This is so fun! I hope Karla has a good sense of humor. *Giggle!*
Posted by Farrah 4 comments
Friday, February 1, 2008
In the beginning there was light...
It seems fitting that my first post be a little summary of how this blog came to exist! The story starts with Karla, who I met a few years ago at a homeschooling co-op. Since that time, the woman has not ceased to surprise me! She struck me as the shy type, content to quietly sit in a corner reading or knitting while others were blabbing. Yet, as I have slowly gotten to know her, I have found that she is an extremely talented person with a colorful palette of interests, fervent in her faith, and she possesses an abundance of knowledge which she is eager to share. AND, contrary to my first perceptions, she is in fact, a VERY social person (on the net)! She it was who introduced me to the extraordinary world of blogs and suggested I might like to make my own. Then she pestered me about it when nothing was happening. Hee-hee! Good thing too! Otherwise, you might not be reading this. Thank you Karla! I’m looking forward to exploring my new addiction…er, I mean hobby.
Posted by Farrah 4 comments
Labels: The Beginning