Can I brag on my son for a moment? Greg and I can count on one hand the number of times we remember hitting a baseball EVER. We were forced to play that sport at school over and over, and it was sheer torture for us. We struck out nearly every time.
Greg started practicing baseball with Kylen last summer. They didn’t do it often. Just some hitting and catching sessions here and there. We decided to sign him up for baseball this summer, because we thought it would be good for him to have a well-rounded sports education.
They’ve had a few practices, and Kylen seemed to be doing well. Saturday was his first game, and he hit 3 out of four times at bat! Can you believe it?? At the end of the game he was named MVP and received a gift certificate for a sport’s store!! MVP!!! Imagine that! Our son named MVP in his first baseball game!!!! We are in utter shock.

Praise the Lord for small miracles such as this!
Good job Kylen!
Fun times.
Look at how that "dad time" paid off! Yay, Kylen!
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